Friday, September 27, 2019

Eventful Week 😊

Ask Your Child About...
1. Review the words: I, and, like, the
2. Identify, write, and voice the sound of the letter Ss
3. Compare groups using the language greater than, less than
4. Our adopted tree
5. The new playground
6. Our new friend!

We love the new playground!

🦁 We have had several exciting things this week including a new classmate, new playground equipment, fire drill, and the Homecoming Parade! It sure is great to be a lion! 🦁

πŸ“š Our letter of the week is Ss! We have been reading many books that have 's' in them, and we have been listening closely for the 's' sound in words we say. Continue to help your child identify the letter and sound of 's' and practice writing them in different ways! You could use play dough, mud, form it with letters and trace over with our finger- all sorts of techniques! This week we also reviewed our previous words: I, and, like, the. Please continue to work with these at home as well. During story time we also focused on the concept of sequencing. We found out that sequencing means putting things in order from start to finish. We are experts at this now- just ask your child to sequence or retell the story after you are done reading together!

πŸ–Š Our stories are coming along quite nicely! If your child is working on a story at home, encourage them to do their very best. Remind them that they are the author, which means they are in charge of what they write. We don't need Ms. Grady or anyone else to tell us how to spell or what to write! No way! We can do it on our own! We learned that writers do their very best and know it's okay if something isn't quite right yet.

πŸ”’ We finished topic two in math and will begin topic three next week. Topic two focused on grouping similar objects, counting to see how many, writing the number, showing how many with counters, and then using verbal cues to indicate which group was greater and which group was less. You can continue to practice these skills at home by gathering various objects from abound your house.

🌳 This week in science we adopted a tree! This tree is not a tree that we personally planted, but rather a tree that has been in the ground for quite some time. We will watch our tree throughout each season to see how it changes. We observed our tree to find out what it looks, feels, and smells like. We also measured our tree so that we can check its growth at the end of the year. Maybe you could adopt a tree in your neighborhood too! Enjoy the images of our tree artwork and our beautiful adopted tree!

🦁 As always, please reach out to me with any questions, comments, or concerns. Have a wonderful weekend!

Friday, September 20, 2019

Mid September🌈

Ask Your Child About...
1. Identify and practice writing the word: and
2. Identify and practice writing the letter: Mm
3. Practice comparing and writing numbers up to 5
4. Use the language greater than and less than
5. What shape trees can be
6. Our Writer's Workshop

😊 We are settling into our routines and where things are in the building very well! We have even been mistaken for a first grade class! WOW! Let's keep up the great work!

🦁 Now through winter break we will be hosting two University of Iowa students in our classroom! These students are currently in school completing their work towards becoming a teacher. Ms. W will be in our room every morning except for Thursdays to help us with reading and Ms. L will be in our room every Friday morning to help us with math.

πŸ™‚ As you may have heard, we have our official library check-out day: Wednesday. Some of the students have been confused as to how check-out works, so I thought I would clarify with you all as well. Each week on Wednesday, your child will get the chance to check out books of their choice to bring home. These books can stay with your child for an entire week, being returned on the following Wednesday. We do have library again on Thursday, but this is not a check-out day, it is a story and media day with Mrs. Locher. Please enjoy your child's check-out books for a full week (Wednesday to Wednesday), and return them in our backpacks when you are done.

πŸ“š This week we have been focusing on our word 'and' along with the letter 'Mm'. We have practiced identifying, reading, and writing each of these. Please continue our hard work at home by prompting your student to work with the word 'and' as well as the letter 'Mm'. Some activities you can try are counting how many of this word or letter are in a story, or if you hear the letter at the beginning, middle, or end of a word. You can also practice neat handwriting (with paper and pencil, with a stick and dirt, using finger paints... make it fun!) with your child so that everyone can clearly see what we are trying to write.

πŸ”’ We completed our very first math topic, and are moving right along in topic 2. So far in our new topic we have been looking at groups of object in sets of five and determining which object type is greater and which object type is less. We are practicing by matching the objects up, counting and comparing the numbers, and by using number sentences such as There are 5 toys, 3 are balls and 2 are trucks. 3 is greater than 2, so the are more balls than trucks. Keep up this work at home by comparing objects around the house!

πŸ–Š We are writers! This week we have officially started our writer's workshop, and we have decided our publishing name should be: Lincoln Lion Rainbow! 🌈 For this first writing unit we are focusing on things we know about. This is an inviting topic as there is a wide range of things we know about and can share with others. Ask your child what their first story is about and help them remember details they can add to it on Monday.

🌳 This week in science we focused on shapes of trees. This allowed us to compare and contrast tree shapes and justify our thinking by comparing them to actual math shapes. While you are out and about, see how many different tree shapes you can find!

Friday, September 13, 2019

Feeling Good πŸ™‚

Ask Your Child About...
1. Identify and practice writing the word: the
2. Practice writing counting and showing numbers: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
3. Show different ways to make a group of 5
4. Parts of a tree

Go Noodle Brain Break!
πŸ“˜ You will find your child's Blue Friday Folder in their backpack. It will contain their school pictures and an I Can Read dvd and pamphlet for you to keep at home.

πŸ“š Our reading focus for this week was story structure. This is considered a priority standard as it is something the students will continuously work on throughout all their years in school. You can help your child with story structure by reading books together at home and then discussing the characters, setting, and what happened at the beginning the middle (big event) and how the story ended. We also practiced reading and writing the word: the. Help your child identify, read, and write 'the' at home!

πŸ”’ Math focused on counting groups of objects up to the number five, then practicing writing these numbers. We also looked at different ways we can show the number five (1 and 4, 2 and 3, 5 and 0, and the flip of those). You can practice this at home by creating groups, writing the number that represents the group and then showing different ways of making the number (you can split the group, show with your fingers, write a number sentence, and so much more!).

🌳 Our tree study has brought us to observe the different parts of a tree. Ask your child to identify the roots, trunk, branches, and leaves. Can they show you a comparison with their body? We also looked at different types of trees and completed puzzles to create them! Take a walk around your neighborhood and see what types of trees you can find! Do their parts look the same? Different? Try drawing them or taking pictures to compare. Enjoy the beautiful weather while exploring science in your own backyard.

🦁 We are doing a great job of focusing our minds and bodies for learning. Help your child be ready for the next week of school by asking about our routines and expectations. As always, if you have any questions, comments, or concerns please let me know! Have a fantastic weekend!

Friday, September 6, 2019

Short but Full Week

Ask Your Child About...
1. To identify and practice writing the words: I, like
2. Practice writing, counting, and showing the numbers: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
3. Science!
4. The drum assembly
5. Lunchroom and hallway expectations

πŸ™‚ It was a short week, but it was jam-packed with activities! The students are tired and will need some extra rest again this weekend to prepare for a [full] week of school next week.

😷 Your child may have informed you of my absence the past two days. I am terribly sorry to have missed a few days so early on in the school year but I did not want to risk passing sickness to the kiddos. 
🀧 I have noticed several friends coughing and/or sneezing throughout the days. Please be sure to check on your child's health and keep them home if they are sick. Help remind them to cover their mouths and noses by crossing their arm over their face so they cough or sneeze into their inner elbow. This helps protect our friends and keep our hands clean.

πŸ“˜ Friday Blue Folders will not be coming home this week. These folders only come home when there are items being sent to you from the office or myself. Do not worry if your child doesn't come home with their folder, as some weeks there are no forms to be sent home.

πŸ“š This week in reading, we focused on the topics of family and friends. When reading these stories we asked questions about what makes a family or a friend and how each family and friend is unique and special. We also focused on the words I and like. We identified these in various texts, practiced spelling these words, and created stories using the sentence starter "I like ___". Please help your child identify I and like in books, magazines or newspapers, advertisements and so on. Ask them to read the words with you and on their own. Prompt them to spell the words and break down the sounds within it. Lastly, help your child practice writing these words. You can create a book, sentences, or simply trace them on paper, in sand or dirt, with paint, or shaving cream on a smooth surface!

πŸ”’ In math we focused on numbers 1-5. We practiced pointing and counting, crossing items off so we don't miss or over count. Then we represented the number by shading in the same amount that we had counted. You can practice this skill at home by counting to a number and then representing it by coloring or setting out that many of an item (toys, rocks, etc.). We are also practicing writing these numbers. We want them to be neat and clear so anyone is able to read them. Even if your child knows how to write these numbers, practice is always good! You can help guide your child as much or as little as they need by drawing a dotted line to trace over or by handing them blank lines to practice on.

🌳 The kids were very excited to start our first science unit: trees! Each child has their own investigative bag that we will use for every science lesson. We discussed how scientists only show what is real and they have to use close observation when investigating. Ask your child to identify the parts of a tree and you can compare the parts to their own body.

🦁 I hope you all have a wonderful weekend! Please don't hesitate to contact me with any questions, comments, or concerns. I am looking forward to being back at school with all the kids on Monday!

🌷 Spring Break 🌷