Friday, September 6, 2019

Short but Full Week

Ask Your Child About...
1. To identify and practice writing the words: I, like
2. Practice writing, counting, and showing the numbers: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
3. Science!
4. The drum assembly
5. Lunchroom and hallway expectations

🙂 It was a short week, but it was jam-packed with activities! The students are tired and will need some extra rest again this weekend to prepare for a [full] week of school next week.

😷 Your child may have informed you of my absence the past two days. I am terribly sorry to have missed a few days so early on in the school year but I did not want to risk passing sickness to the kiddos. 
🤧 I have noticed several friends coughing and/or sneezing throughout the days. Please be sure to check on your child's health and keep them home if they are sick. Help remind them to cover their mouths and noses by crossing their arm over their face so they cough or sneeze into their inner elbow. This helps protect our friends and keep our hands clean.

📘 Friday Blue Folders will not be coming home this week. These folders only come home when there are items being sent to you from the office or myself. Do not worry if your child doesn't come home with their folder, as some weeks there are no forms to be sent home.

📚 This week in reading, we focused on the topics of family and friends. When reading these stories we asked questions about what makes a family or a friend and how each family and friend is unique and special. We also focused on the words I and like. We identified these in various texts, practiced spelling these words, and created stories using the sentence starter "I like ___". Please help your child identify I and like in books, magazines or newspapers, advertisements and so on. Ask them to read the words with you and on their own. Prompt them to spell the words and break down the sounds within it. Lastly, help your child practice writing these words. You can create a book, sentences, or simply trace them on paper, in sand or dirt, with paint, or shaving cream on a smooth surface!

🔢 In math we focused on numbers 1-5. We practiced pointing and counting, crossing items off so we don't miss or over count. Then we represented the number by shading in the same amount that we had counted. You can practice this skill at home by counting to a number and then representing it by coloring or setting out that many of an item (toys, rocks, etc.). We are also practicing writing these numbers. We want them to be neat and clear so anyone is able to read them. Even if your child knows how to write these numbers, practice is always good! You can help guide your child as much or as little as they need by drawing a dotted line to trace over or by handing them blank lines to practice on.

🌳 The kids were very excited to start our first science unit: trees! Each child has their own investigative bag that we will use for every science lesson. We discussed how scientists only show what is real and they have to use close observation when investigating. Ask your child to identify the parts of a tree and you can compare the parts to their own body.

🦁 I hope you all have a wonderful weekend! Please don't hesitate to contact me with any questions, comments, or concerns. I am looking forward to being back at school with all the kids on Monday!

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🌷 Spring Break 🌷