Friday, April 19, 2019

Wonderful Week(end) Weather 😊

Ask Your Child About...
1. Identify the words do and down in various texts
2. Discuss cause and effect from books or daily interactions
3. Describe the position of a shape
4. Explain whether a shape is flat or solid, and name the shape
5. Our Snails! 🐌

Our very own snails!
🎢🎨 Fine Arts Night is coming up on Thursday, April 25th at City High Opstad Auditorium form 6:30-8:00 pm. Doors open at 6:00 and Kindergarten will need to be on stage at 6:25 as we are the first to perform. Each class will be sitting together towards the center-front of the seating until the entire night's performance has been completed. Mrs. Langenfeld is requesting that all students return to their class seating spot after performing while parents will be sitting elsewhere in the auditorium. After the entire performance is completed you will come to the class seating area to pick up your child and enjoy the beautiful art being displayed out front. It will be a wonderful evening!

✨ Next Friday, April 26th will be a Lincoln Spirit Day! Help your child show their Lincoln pride by wearing Lincoln Lion gear or anything blue! Go Lions! 🦁

πŸ“š We discussed cause and effect this week in reading. This is a big theme throughout our school years, and therefore we will touch on it multiple times! We discuss straight forward cause and effects such as why does it rain, but we also look at more abstract ideas of cause and effect such as feelings and events. Help your child better understand cause and effect by examining books at home and every day events!

πŸ–Š Writing this week focused on how we can clarify our writing to best help our reader understand what we are trying to tell them. This not only consisted of the basic revising skills such as adding words, switching words for more detailed ones, or eliminating words that don't belong, but also by actually picturing what we want to write. By picturing what you are trying to say, you have a better visual of what to put on paper and therefore you can better explain your steps to your reader. We also discussed how this is a great skill to have when talking! If we can pause for a moment before we talk and picture what we want to say, we will be able to better explain how we are feeling or what we are wanting others to understand from us. Help your little author write and speak more clearly by reminding them to picture what they are wanting to say before they actually write or say it! πŸ™‚

✅ We extended our learning of shape to explaining the position of a shape! These are great describing words and can help us not only in our study of shapes, but in our every day lives as well! We practiced using words such as: in front of, behind, next to, under, above, on top, and below. Help your child use positional words at home by asking them to describe where a shape or item is located and then guessing what object they are seeing- turn this into a sort of eye spy by playing against one another!

🐌🐚 In science this week we studied snails and shells! We discussed the parts of a snail, where we find snails, and different types of shells. We currently have about a dozen water snails and a dozen Ramshorn snails. We would love to check out a land snail, so be on the look out in your own back yard! If you happen to find one, I would be more than happy to care for it in our classroom!

Pictures from left to right: water snails, Ramshorn snail, shell shorting activity

🐰 I hope you all enjoy the lovely weather predicted and have a wonderful weekend filled with fun, family and friends! πŸ₯

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🌷 Spring Break 🌷