Saturday, October 27, 2018

Full Moon 🌑

Ask Your Child About...
1. Telling true stories
2. Using word bubbles in their writing
3. To compare groups of items
4. What happens when objects collide
5. To find the word 'a' in various texts
6. Thankful Pumpkins

What a whirlwind of a week! Time seems to fly by with these fantastic kindergartners! 😊 Thank you for returning the field trip permission slips in such a timely manner and a special shout out to those who are able to help us on that day! Along with your child's Friday Folder you will find a stuffed pumpkin. We created these with our 4th grade buddies with the idea that they can serve as a decoration until you decide to rip them open! On the inside you will find slips of paper that contain things our kiddos are thankful for. You can read these together all at once or spread them out through the coming month. 😊

🎃 Friendly reminder that next Wednesday is the Halloween Celebration. Keep an eye out for a Blackboard Connect text message around 1:00 pm if the parade will be cancelled due to rain (let's hope not!). All costumes are welcome as long as they are appropriate and do not include any toy weapons. You are more than welcome to watch the parade out on the playground by entering the south gate no sooner than 1:45. The classroom celebration will begin at about 2:30 pm. Thank you for all of your understanding and patience in this process!

📚 Reading focus this week was on details! We practiced retelling stories using all the details we could remember. We also focused on the word 'a'. Many of the students felt this was a silly word to practice because it was too easy, but we soon realized it is very important! We found the word all over the place and heard it throughout each day. You can extend this by asking your child where they could place the word 'a' as you shop around the store or pick up items in your house.

✏ Writing also focused on retelling stories... true stories! We have moved on from our teaching books and are now writing true stories. We are still using all of our old techniques: sound it out, stretch it like a rubber band, partner up, and add pages, but now we are focusing on stories that really happened to us. Help your child think of some great stories they can tell, help them remember all the details, and then ask them what should go on each page of their book or scroll!

🔢 This week in math we focused on comparing groups of objects. We got out some of our happy choice items and a pair of dice. We would roll the dice to see what number, then set out that amount of objects. Once our partner did the same, we would compare using the phrases "__ is less than __", "__ is greater than __", and "__ is equal to __". We could even count both groups of objects to see how many we had total! Feel free to try this game at home. 

⚽ In science we continued to work with pushes, pulls, and gravity while adding ramps! We used a ramp, ball and pieces of wood to see how objects collide. This was a fun activity that allowed for a lot of variation between students. They tested how the ramp affected the experiment, how the blocks could be placed different ways, and how releasing the ball differently changes the outcome as well!

As always, if you have any questions, comments, or concerns please don't hesitate to reach out!
Have a fantastic Friday and a wonderful weekend! 🦁

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🌷 Spring Break 🌷