Thursday, March 1, 2018

🏀 March Madness! 🏀

We have officially entered March and are eagerly waiting for spring to arrive! The weather is turning, and I hope you all have plenty of time to get outside and enjoy it!

I have posted next week's spelling and vocab lists, and weekly math will be coming home tomorrow.

We have started our health lessons which revolve around basic personal wellness: hygiene, injury, violence, illness, consumerism, and conservation. We finished up working with percentages and are moving on to dividing fractions (remember to use the reciprical, or the multiplicitive inverse). During our writing we have been working on adding detail and using our creative minds to write stories based off of pictures I project for the students. Many seem to enjoy these!

Reading this month is going to be a fun competition mimicking the March Madness basketball tournament. I have created a display in the hallway for 5th and 6th grade to "bet" on. Each student has filled out a bracket, and will vote which books move on to the next "match". We are starting with the "sweet 16", moving through the "elite 8", on to the "final 4", and ending with "the game".
I am excited to be trying this new method of encouraging students to read books that have been popular among their peers so they can debate and persuade others of which book will be the 2018 March Madness Winner!
I will keep adding pictures of the bracket progression so you can inquire about the tournament with your student. Please encourage your student to read any of the following books that they have not already read: Fuzzy Mud, Where the Red Fern Grows, The Hunger Games, Crenshaw, The One and Only Ivan, Harry Potter, Amulet, Ghosts, Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Swindle, The Giver, Ghost, Pax, The Lightening Thief, Wonder, and Rules.

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🌷 Spring Break 🌷