Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Today in... SCIENCE!

So far this year in science, we are working with rocks and fossils. With these, we are looking at how they are made, how we can identify them, where we can find them, and how old these objects really are.
Today we focused on time. In order to help us visualize just how old fossils really are, we made a timeline out of receipt tape! Each of the "major" events of life formation were marked on our timeline using centimeters and meters. This visualization made it very easy to see just how long it takes for things to evolve and change over time. While we were making it we started with present day and worked back in time, but in the video we started at the Formation of Earth and worked our way through time to TODAY! I think we were all amazed at just how long the timeline ended up being (46 meters)! 😃 Enjoy the video of our completed timeline:

The students who spoke said the following "major" events: Earth forms, first life, first algae, fossils, fish, land plants, insects, trees, amphibians, dinosaurs - Mesozoic, mammals, birds, horses, primitive humans, ice age, Homo erectus... TODAY (shouted by all).

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