Wednesday, March 11, 2020

🌷 Spring Break 🌷

Ask Your Child About...
1. Identify and write: do, down
2. Identify, sound, and write: Uu
3. Read, write, and manipulate numbers within 100
4. How To writing

🌎 International Night was a huge success! Thank you to all who participated, whether it be sharing about a place with your student or learning about them. It is wonderful to see all families getting together to share, learn, and spread joy and pride among our school community!

🦁 A note has come home about Lincoln apparel on a blue paper. If you would like to order Lincoln clothing, please visit the online store at 
The time for ordering items will end on March 25th and items will arrive to students on April 10th.

😴 You will see your child's rest blanket/towel coming home with them. Please wash and return your child's blanket after spring break. Thank you!

😷 Please remember, if your child is not feeling well, keep them home until they are 100%. This helps ensure your child is ready to come back and will not get sick quickly after their return and it will not spread to other students. Please also remind your child to cover their cough and sneeze, and to wash hands after said actions as well as before eating and after playing outside or going to the bathroom. Thank you for helping to remind and encourage healthy habits!

🦁 We have also reached our next whole school paw ticket goal and will be celebrating the Friday after spring break: Friday, March 27th with a whole school assembly and karaoke celebration. Go Lions!

🍎 Upon arrival from break, we would love a few more snack options. We currently have skinny pop (popcorn) and veggie straws. All district approved healthy snack choices are welcome! Some options include, but are not limited to: graham crackers, pretzels, goldfish, and granola. Thank you for helping us have healthy and tasty snacks!

📚 We have worked on cause and effect this week in reading. What a great time of year to discuss cause and effect! We were able to look outside and use the natural elements and events to help us understand the concept and begin to create or explain our own cause and effect. Over spring break, you can continue this discussion by helping your student identify various cause and effect matters occurring around them.

🔢 Our math study of place value is coming to an end, however, it is a topic we will continue to look at throughout this year and the years to come! We are becoming more confident in our identification of numbers when they are written, spoken, and expanded out! Your child can continue this work at home by reading and putting together numbers, writing numbers and equations to make new numbers, and identifying the different values within a number (27 is two groups of ten and seven ones).

🖊 We have been working on and off with our How To writing unit as we spent some time on social studies. Many of us are nearing the end of a solid How To story! Over break, ask your child about their story and prompt them to walk you through their list of things you need and each step. We have been acting out these stories to help us get a better understanding of what we are informing our reader to do and what we might be missing. This is a fun and rather hilarious method of checking our writing! 

😊 I hope you all enjoy spring break! The weather should be nice for outside play and exploration, and much more time to spend with family and friends. If you are traveling, I wish you a safe and fun journey! For all, I wish a healthy and happy return to school on Monday, March 23rd!

Friday, March 6, 2020

Wonderful Weather 🌞

Ask Your Child About...
1. Identify and write: it, in, he, no, an, she, all, said, good, make, play
2. Identify, sound, and write: Hh, Kk, Ee, Oo, Xx, Jj
3. Move to different numbers within a 100 chart
4. Good citizens

😊 Thank you all for meeting with me for our winter conferences! It is always great to chat about the kiddos and all they have done as well as what we plan to do next to ensure they are continuously growing. If you ever have questions, comments, or concerns please reach out- I am here all the time for you, not just during conferences! Thank you all again.

💙 International night is Tonight, Friday, March 6th from 5:30-7:30 pm. We look forward to seeing all of the wonderful displays created by our students and their families as we learn more about the cultures that surround us within Lincoln and make us who we are. Thank you for all who are participating as well as those who come to see and learn!

🌞 We are so glad to have such beautiful weather this week and are looking forward to more! Please help your child pick out an appropriate jacket for the day or pack in layers. We are still too chilly to allow no coats/sleeves, but lighter versions are more than welcome!

📚 Our focus in reading this week was text and graphic features. We looked at books that had extra information included through fun facts, keys, table of contents, and labels. We saw these types of texts during reading, centers, and social studies time! We discussed why they are separated from the story's regular text and why some authors decide to add them. You can continue this exploration at home by identifying various text and graphic features in readings you currently have at home or that you get from the library.

🔢 We are currently focusing on place value in math. We are now looking at different segments of the 100 chart (such as 21-50 or 61-100 and so on). We find one number and move to another number by looking at the tens and ones spots of our numbers. This helps us remember what the first and second numerals stand for (if we have 21, we have two groups of ten and one more). We use this to help us move quickly from one number to another within the 100 chart, as well as make connections across and between the decade numbers.

🌎 This week in social studies we have been looking at citizenship. What is a citizen? How can we be a good citizen? We understand citizen as the people of an area. We then discussed and sorted between things that can help us be good citizens such as picking up trash, helping others, being kind to all living things. As you are out and about, help show your child how to be a good citizen with these and so many other small but impactful actions!

🌷 Spring Break 🌷