Friday, October 25, 2019

Fun Weekend 🦁

Ask Your Child About...
1. Identify and write the letter Pp, as well as its sound
2. Identify and write the letter to
3. What one more would be
4. Leaves
5. Our caring day

💗 Today we celebrated one of our four Lincoln Lion traits: Caring! We wore red (or shades of red) for all to see that we care about caring. We also had special red paw tickets to give out to others who we saw being caring. That's right, not just teachers were on the look out for caring friends- all the school was watching and saying thanks by giving out a red paw ticket. Spread caring like confetti!

🦁 Tomorrow is our Lincoln Fun Night! We will have games, food, and prizes available for all to join in the fun. Come on over to the school Saturday, October 26th  from 4-7pm! 

🎉 We have filled our class paw ticket jar! We will celebrate on Monday, October 28th by having a pajama party! Please help your child pick out a set of pajamas that is comfortable and appropriate for all of our regular school day activities. Thank you and Go LIONS! 🦁

🙋 If you would like to volunteer for our field trip to the Iowa City Children's Museum on December 6th from 9:00-noon please let me know! You would help a small group of students move from room to room at the museum for some active play. Thank you!

🍎 Conferences are headed our way! I sent out a link last week with the available slots. I am also attaching the link here:
Please let me know if you have any questions regarding conferences and sign up. Thank you!

🎃 Our Halloween Party will take place on Thursday, October 31st from 1:00-the end of the day. If you would like to help contribute to our celebrations please click the link below. It is also Lincoln tradition to parade around the school block for all the students and neighborhood to see- feel free to join in watching! Thank you!

📚 Our reading focus this week has been with the letter Pp and the word to. We practiced writing and reading each of these as well as kept our eyes open for them in the world around us. See how many letter Pp and word to you can find this weekend! We also looked at different text features we might see in a story; such as word bubbles, charts, or little fun facts. We understand that these can be helpful to fully reading a story, as well as just some extra information that might be good to know.

🔢 We are finishing up topic 4 in our math study this week. We are very strong in our ability to identify which group of objects is greater or smaller and are working on being able to do the same when we only see the numeral representation. We also worked with +1. This is a very important concept to understand as it helps build a solid foundation for what is to come. Ask your child about items you see around the house or while you are at the store. Ask them the tell which is greater and which is less, or are they the same? Ask them to show the numeral representation to you, and ask what one more would be. Our goal has been to not recount the group, but rather to say "I know this is 6, and one more than 6 is 7, so there would be 7."

🍂 We have continued our study of trees and use of our five senses by focusing on leaves. We have been noticing more leaves falling at recess and see so many on the ground! We have discussed how we can use our five senses to observe leaves, the shapes of leaves, and how leaves are different. When your family is outside enjoying the fall weather, see if you can find different shapes of leaves together. If you do, have your child bring them in! We are trying to start a collection of different shaped leaves!

🍁 We are loving fall! 🍂

Friday, October 18, 2019


Ask Your Child About...
1. Identify and write the letter Cc, as well as it's sound
2. Identify and write the word a
3. Compare groups of objects using drawings, numbers, and verbal sentence frames
4. Our five senses
5. Perseverance!

6th grade friends helping with a small group
🦁 Conferences are coming up quick! I sent out a link last night with the available days and times. I am also attaching the link here: 
Please let me know if you have any questions regarding conferences and sign up. Thank you!

🦁 Friendly reminder that next Saturday, October 26th from 4-7pm will be Lincoln's Fun Night! Please join us for some fun games, exciting prizes, and tasty food!

🙋 I am still looking for two volunteers for our field trip to the Iowa City Children's Museum. There is a note coming home in your child's blue folder with more information. Please let me know if you are interested and available. Thank you!

🎃 Our Halloween Party will take place on Thursday, October 31st from 1:00- the end of school. If you would like to help contribute to our celebrations, please click the link below. Thank you!

📚 This week in reading, we focused on the letter Cc, word a, and concept of details. We read several books that used our word and letter of the week and had fun finding this sound and word in them all! We also paused throughout our stories to identify important details of the story that would help us understand what and why something is happening and better predict what might happen next.

🔢 We are focusing on the written form of our numbers this week when looking to compare groups. This means we counted two groups of objects, wrote their corresponding numbers, and then considered which numeral was greater and which numeral was less. Going through each of these steps helps solidify the math concepts as well as build a deeper understanding of what it all means.

🖊 Our Lincoln Lion Rainbow Publishers are hard at work on their teaching stories! We learned that writers don't just give up when it gets hard to spell or draw... no way! Writers keep on trying until they get it just the way they like! Help encourage your child to persevere when the going gets tough by reminding them of the Little Engine That Could. We can do it!

🌳 Science has brought us to our five senses this week. We are focusing on each of the senses and what they can help us observe about the things around us. We used our five senses to check out our tree a little closer. We listened for our tree's sound, we sniffed for our tree's scent, we looked for our tree's shape, and we felt for our tree's texture. Go on an adventure with your family and see what you can discover with your five senses!

Friday, October 11, 2019

Short but Sweet Weeks 😊

Ask Your Child About...
1. Identify and write the letters Aa and Tt, as well as their sounds
2. Identify and write the words see and we
3. Group items in different ways to show 5 and 10
4. Identify, count, and write numbers 0-10
5. What helps a tree grow?
6. Our new tree planted by us!
7. Their teaching story
8. Fire Safety

SO HAPPY to have grass again! Grass Angels were made!
🍎 A huge thank you to you all for sending tasty, healthy, and exciting snack choices for our class! I will let you know when we are in need of more again, otherwise you can always send more as you feel inclined. Thank you!!

🦁 A day to take note: Saturday, October 26th 4:00-7:00 pm will be Lincoln's Fun Night. There is an information sheet in your child's blue folder that tells more information about this event. We hope to see you there!

🚒 Fire Safety week! We had a visit from the Iowa City Fire Department this week to help us learn some important information. They taught us a few songs about stop, drop and roll if our clothes are on fire, and two ways out for safe planning in every room. Ask your child what they remember Freddy the Fire Engine and Sparky the Dog sharing with us.

🙋 Volunteers Needed: We have two upcoming events that require some parent volunteers. If you are interested in either of the events, please email me so that I can get the information to you and the school screening process can begin so you are approved by event time. Thank you!
1. JA in a Day- Junior Achievement lesson completed in one half of a single school day. All materials provided and training from JA provided. You would lead the lessons and I would support. This is scheduled for November 25th or 26th (We are flexible to which day and morning or afternoon based on volunteers).
2. Iowa City Children's Museum field trip- we are required to have one adult for every five students, meaning we need three parent volunteers for this trip! You would accompany us to the museum and be accountable for a group of 4-5 students as you move through the different sections of the museum. Scheduled for December 6th from 9:00 am to 12:15 pm.

📚 These past two weeks in reading have focused on the letters Aa and Tt, the words see and we, and the comprehension skills of comparing and contrasting as well as understanding characters. You can help your child to continue their understanding of these concepts by reading various texts with them at home and practicing their identification and writing of the focus letters and words. When you are done with a story, or as you read through it, feel free to ask prompting questions about the character and why they might feel or do the things they do. You can also discuss similarities and differences between characters or even between similar books written by different people (fairy tales are great for this!).

🔢 We have continued our study of showing different ways to make 5 as well as different ways to make 10. You can do this at home by gathering various items and creating groups from them, you can also transfer this to paper by drawing the objects (or representing them with circles) and then writing the numbers to compare greater and less as well as use number sentences to explain how the two numbers come together to make 5 or 10.

🖊 Last week we continued writing our stories, expressing how we are in charge of our writing and we can use tools around us to help get letters and words on paper. This week we moved to a specific writing style: teaching books! We each thought of something we know a lot about and felt we could teach to others. Ask your child what their teaching book is about and help them come up with what they should put on each page.

🌳 We have continued our study of trees (and will do so through out the year as the seasons change) and moved to what they need to be healthy, happy, trees. We discussed how trees need sun, water, soil, leaves, bark, and love to grow big and strong. Help your child discover what else a trees needs or what a tree can provide for other living things. Most exciting, we planted our very own tree today! We will continue to check our tree and be sure to give it everything we can to help it become strong.
Picture steps of planting (let me know if you would like a picture of your child watering the tree (or any other newsletter pictures) and I can email it to you!):
Our Red Leaf Maple Tree

🦁 Have a fantastic weekend, stay warm, and as always please don't hesitate with questions or comments. 🙂

🌷 Spring Break 🌷