Friday, February 1, 2019

❄ Snow Day Crazy ❄

Ask Your Child About...
1. Identify "find" and "this" in various texts
2. Identify the purpose of a story
3. Write equations showing parts of 8, 9 and 10
4. Explain how we can manipulate paper

⛄ What a week! Between the snow and the freezing temps it feels like we've had a second winter break! I'm glad everyone stayed warm and safe and kept the kiddos busy. I'm excited to be back to our regular schedule next week!

πŸ“— In your child's blue folder you will find Scholastic book orders. This month's orders will be due the morning of February 15th.


⛄ On Monday, February 4th we will venture outside to hang up our bird feeders that we made today. We will work with our 4th grade buddies to get each of the feeders hung from a tree branch at the front of the school. This will require a decent amount of walking through the snow, so please help your child remember to bring their snow gear on Monday! πŸ™‚

🚌 Friendly reminder that Tuesday, February 5th is our school-wide field trip to the Coralville Performing Arts Center to see Johnny Appleseed. We will have a regular school schedule day until about 12:30 when we will load buses as the performance will be from 1:00-2:00 p.m. Thank you for turning in your permission slips early! We are excited to see the puppet show! 🍎🎦

πŸ’— Looking ahead to the next week we will have our Valentine's Day Celebration! This will take place on Thursday, February 14th for about the last hour of the day (starting around 12:45 p.m.). I will have paper bags for the kids to decorate earlier in the day so you do not need to worry about sending a special bag or box. We will pass out our Valentines during the day and keep them safe in our special bags until it is time for the celebration. Friendly reminder that if your child is planning to bring any form of valentine, they need to bring one for everyone. πŸ™‚ During our celebration we will have the opening of valentines, snack, and happy choice play time of games and crafts. If you would like to send your child's valentines or your volunteered snack item early, feel free! I can hold onto them in the classroom until it is time to celebrate. Thank you!

πŸ‘΅πŸ‘΄ We are also getting very close to our 100th Day of School! How exciting! How crazy! How fun! We have grown a lot, learned a ton, and loved every step of the way! We will celebrate this special occasion all day long on Tuesday, February 12th. Our day will consist of various literacy, math, and science activities that all relate to 100! If your child would like, I encourage you to help them dress up for the day. This may consist of dressing up as what they imagine they will look like when they are 100 years old or creating a clever t-shirt. It is sure to be 100% awesome!

 πŸ‡πŸ₯œπŸŒ» During the month of February, student council is collecting peanut butter/sunflower butter and jelly/jam donations as a part of the Iowa City Crisis Center's Spread the Love campaign. If you would like to donate to this cause simply send your *plastic preferred* jars to school with your child any day this month! Thank you in advance for your donations!

Manipulating paper: paper mΓ’chΓ©, creating paper, weaving paper, paper lanterns

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🌷 Spring Break 🌷