Friday, November 30, 2018

1st Week Back

Ask Your Child About...
1. Identify the word 'with' in text around them
2. How they can use a picture to tell a story
3. To write and solve equations and read the number sentence
4. How we can sink wood and how we can change its shape

We LOVE the snow!

🎉 Our paw jar is full again! We will celebrate our great behavior on Monday with a pajama and stuffed animal day! Yes, that's right, this time the kid's can bring along one of their stuffed animals. Please help your child choose a stuffed friend that will easily fit in their backpack, next to them on the rug and at their table seats.

✨ Student Council has scheduled a school-wide twin day next Friday, December 7th! Help your child come up with something they can wear to match a friend or sibling for the day.

📗 In your child's Friday Folder you will find the December Scholastic Book Flyers for the month of December. There are tons of great options for beginning readers including picture books, leveled readers, and early chapter books. The order due date will be by the morning of Monday, December 10th. This early date ensures books ordered will be delivered by the 20th, which is just before our winter break! If you are wanting books to be a surprise/gift just let me know and we can figure out the best way to keep this wonderful surprise. 😊

📚 In reading this week we focused on drawing conclusions. We read various stories that taught us a lesson or showed us a feeling without actually telling us the main point. We then discussed how we gathered this idea using evidence from the text and illustrations to support our thinking. These kiddos sure are intuitive!

🖊 Pictures tell us all sorts of things, and they are a major part of the stories we read! For writing we are using a show and tell method: I show a picture to the class and the students tell the story as they imagine it. This is a great way to eliminate the stress of finding a topic to write about and focus more on the words we are writing. Show and tell writing is a simple and fun way to get your child writing at home! Show a picture (of family, animals, buildings, anything!) and have them draw it in their own way... adding details as they see fit for their story of the picture - then, write!

Our first Show and Tell picture story.

🔢 This week in math we have been working to write equations! We realized taking two separate groups and putting them together to find out how many is really addition in disguise! We can show this by writing an equation: ___ + ___ = ___! We then practice reading the equation by using our number sentence ___ plus ___ equals ___. You can do this at home with your child by gathering two groups of objects, counting how many and then writing the equation, solving it, and reading it aloud.

🌳 Science focused on two aspects this week: how to sink something that floats, and how we can alter the shape of wood. These were fun activities that can be extremely versatile. We used rubber bands and paperclips to sink two different types of wood, and then discussed why they might be different in how many paperclips they need to sink. You could try this at home and change the item you are sinking or the materials used to sink it! We then used sandpaper to create sawdust from a piece of wood. We discussed how this changes the wood in shape, size, and texture. You could do this at home with sticks and sandpaper. 

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