Friday, May 18, 2018

Last Full Week!

Man time has flown by! I cannot believe Monday is our last Monday and full week of school! I apologize for not posting any updates in a while; it has been a crazy month as we are finishing up all curriculum, district testing, professional meetings, and packing up the school to get ready for the move to New Hoover for the year. I also want to thank everyone for the kind gestures of appreciation throughout the week; this year has been wonderful! 💙

In the past week we have had our final junior high visits, the Bike Rodeo, Track and Field Day, and the Herbert Hoover Museum. We have wrapped up our final science kit as well as our last math topic. We have one last chapter in social studies: Being a Good Citizen, health: puberty, and writing: literary essay. Each of these topics will be wrapped up within the next week! The remainder of our time will be filled with some outside of the curriculum learning, such as writing and understanding proverbs, stepping up to seventh grade math, and some meditation practices to help us keep calm, focused, and anxiety free as we work through these last few days. 🌺

Wednesday the 23rd is the Orchestra tour day, with their performance at Lincoln at 1:00. 🎶 That day will also be a PBIS celebration day for filling the paw ticket tank once again! For this celebration, the students are encouraged to wear a super hero shirt of their choice (please no capes or masks!). Thursday the 24th we will have an assembly at 8:30 for summer reading, and Friday the 25th will be change your name day with a donation of $1 for our final Haiti fundraising effort. 🌍

The next week consists of no school on Monday for Memorial Day, followed by two last days of school. Tuesday the 29th starts off with the Talent Show at 8:00 and Outdoor Day after lunch at 12:15. 🌳 The final day of school is an hour early out and consists of lots of fun 6th grade things! We start our celebration in the gym at 9:00 for awards, followed by the ceremony and reception at about 10:00, after which we will head to City Park for some good food and fun games. There is a permission slip coming home today for City Park, which is due back no later than the 25th. Family is more than welcome to join during this last day of school! Several of the kids have been asking about clothing, so I would like to address that as well: if you would like your child to dress up a bit for the ceremony they will have time to change before heading to the park. 🎓

Lastly, I would like to share a few over the summer learning opportunities that have popped up. The first being a district suggested math workbook that can be ordered through places such as Amazon. There is a workbook for each grade level which you can find by searching Common Core Standards Practice Workbook Grade __. The ISBN for grade 6 is: 9780329756896. There is also a summer reading program offered through the public library. Here is the link where you can read more about this program: Lastly, NCJH has sent a flyer inviting students to visit the library June 21st and July 19th from 1-3 for book checkout, makerspace (hands on engineering, robotics, electronics, critical thinking, problem solving activities), and goodies. I'm sure the other junior high schools have something similar offered, but I have not been made aware of them at this point in time. 🔆📚

Please let me know if you have any questions, comments, or concerns during this final full week of school!

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🌷 Spring Break 🌷