Friday, February 23, 2018

The Last of February

This week has been a productive one! Conferences were held Thursday evening, with the full day conference session next Wednesday; remember, no school for the kids! We also had our Hearts for Haiti celebration yesterday and today for winning the classroom contest portion of the activity. The South East Junior High show choir visited Lincoln today to perform their routine for the school!

I have posted new spelling and vocabulary words as we will still work on these next week with the no-school conference day. Weekly math will be coming home today and due next Friday, but there will be no current events because we will have T.F.K. next week.

The kids may also show you a "Best Buy Shopping" worksheet which is encouraged to be tried this weekend at home. In math we have been working with percents; finding the percent of a number, finding what percent of a number is another number, and so on. This worksheet is a way for the students to make the connection between math in school and math out of school. We see percentages all around us through shopping, money, and various other scenarios. I encourage you to ask your students about this worksheet and even add some of their own examples they may have seen over the weekend to the worksheet. The provided worksheet can be completed through imaginary items and prices, online things, or things they saw in-store.

In writing, we have just finished up our literary essays, which can be viewed in the hallway. We are also wrapping up our Chemical Interactions science kit, so feel free to ask your students what they have learned about kinetic energy, why the mirror in the bathroom fogs after a hot shower, or what the frost on your dry windows in the winter is called and how it gets there. 

The students have also finished reading their individual novels and are about half-way through their projects. I am expecting to finish these up by Friday and start having presentations throughout the week as they are completed.

In social studies we have been looking at the Constitution and its preamble, the Bill of Rights, and all of the work that goes into creating and amending these documents. I encourage you to have conversations with your student about things that are taking place in the world today that relate to rights and get them thinking about the "big picture" of our own everyday interactions. We have done several activities through these two units and will be completing a mock trial revolving around a government mandated curfew. Each student has been assigned a team role, and has been encouraged to think about how that person would react to this new ruling and debate it from that point of view (even if it isn't what they personally believe).

Thank you to those who I have already met for conferences and I look forward to seeing those of you who have conferences on Wednesday! I hope you all have a great weekend and get out to enjoy the weather as it is expected to be a bit warmer in the coming days! 

Friday, February 16, 2018

💗 Big Hearts for Haiti 💗

The tally is in... the school as a whole collected an amazing $921.98!!! Wow! As we found out this afternoon, our class won the friendly class competition, reaching an awing $227! Way to go class! We will celebrate our full hearts throughout next week with the presence of Mr. Lincoln, as well as have a little celebration of sorts. Be thinking of some possible ideas!

I have posted week 20 spelling and vocab so feel free to check those out over the weekend. Weekly math has been sent home, along with a letter about Lincoln's Fine Arts Night.

Have a fantastic weekend, and again, thank you to everyone who has helped throughout this wonderfully crazy week!

Lincoln Lions ROAR! 🦁


Thursday, February 15, 2018

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

The week has been jam packed with learning and celebrations, for today, I want to focus on the celebrations and share my gratitude for all of you amazing Lincoln families!

Pancake day on Monday was a success! 🥞 The kids enjoyed making their own pancakes and had more than their fill. I didn't know 6th graders could eat so many pancakes in one sitting!! I even felt the need to caution some of them before heading out to recess where they were sure to feel the affects of their fluffy pancakes. An extra appreciative thank you goes out to all of the parents who helped orchestrate this event. From the cheerful faces, supplies, decorations, and helping hands. Thank you!

Wednesday was quick to follow with yet another successful event: Valentine's Day. We had plenty of apples and goodies for all. Thank you everyone for being sure to include all classmates and to those who helped supply our class with delicious apples for a snack!🍏 I was extremely proud of the class when, after they had left, Ron entered our room and exclaimed "Wow! Very impressed. Very impressed." Our room was picked up so well it took him by surprise on a day consisting of celebrations and extra treats. Ron was very appreciative and I challenged the class to aim for this sort of reaction every day. Way to be responsible 6th graders! 😊

Lastly, the Hearts for Haiti drive has been proving to be an amazing fundraiser for our water well and recycling center. I am proud to say, as a school we have collected just over $800 in four days! I am also amazed to share that $216 of that collection has come from our classroom! 💕 Our hearts could not be happier to reach such goals for our friends in Haiti. Tomorrow is the last day to purchase a heart for Haiti, so if you are still looking to give a heart for the cause, tomorrow is the day! I will be sure to let you all know the results from tomorrow's collection of hearts! A huge thank you to the contributors!

Friday, February 9, 2018

❄ Snow Day ❄

Happy surprise snow day to all!
     The kids worked extra hard yesterday, taking the math test early and the spelling/vocab quizzes.... uh-oh... I forgot the spelling and vocab! We practiced it and had planned on taking it later in the day, allowing for more study time, but it slipped my mind! Therefore, we will take the spelling and vocab on Monday, as well as receive our next week's words.
     Don't forget, we have our annual Lincoln celebration with pancake day Monday morning! A huge shout out to the PTO for setting this up for everyone! We will also have our Valentine's Day party next week on Wednesday. If you plan to send goodies for students in our class, be sure to include all. 💕
     Lastly, the All School Project committee has created a friendly competition in order to raise funds for Haiti. With Valentine's Day approaching, and  the theme of Lions Care, students will have the opportunity to purchase hearts that they may decorate and place on the classroom door. At the end of the week, the hearts on each classroom door with be counted and the class with the most hearts for Haiti will win a prize! Each heart will cost a dollar, and all proceeds will go to the Haiti fund to build the water well and support the recycling center for a year. I have attached a link to the letter about this activity, which can also be found on the Lincoln Roar.

Stay warm and safe today and through the weekend! 🦁

Friday, February 2, 2018

Another six weeks of winter ❄

     The groundhog has seen his shadow! Six more weeks of winter? This weather sure has been crazy, going from low 40's one day to barely in the 20's the next. We have had a mix of outdoor and indoor recess this week, and it appears that may continue. I hope you all stay warm on the extra chilly days, and soak up the sun on the seemingly balmy days!
     February has started us off on several new topics. We have completed our research papers and will begin writing literary essays next week. In math we are using our knowledge of ratio reasoning to help us solve various forms of conversion (including metric units!). Science has brought us through kinetic energy to discovering what causes a substance to dissolve or melt. We are also chugging along through history in social studies where we just finished learning about the American Revolution and will now be taking a look at the U.S. Constitution. Lastly, reading groups have finished up presenting and we are starting our own novel studies. Please ask your students what they have learned and what they find interesting about all of these wonderful topics!
     There are also a couple of events taking place this month: Pancake Day, Valentine's Day, and Conferences. Pancake Day is a tradition here at Lincoln where we celebrate Lincoln's birthday on the 12th with some delicious pancakes! We will also be celebrating Valentine's Day that week on the 14th in our classroom towards the end of the day (a pink half sheet of paper is coming home to explain the details). Last, but certainly not least, is winter conferences! A sign-up has been sent out, with several already taking slots! There will be evening conferences on Thursday the 22nd from 2:10-7:10 pm and all day conferences on Wednesday the 28th from 7:40 am - 7:10 pm. Please sign-up early and remember to bring your student with!
Enjoy the weekend and Lincoln Lions ROAR! 🦁

🌷 Spring Break 🌷